Dear reader,
I regret to inform you that the information you are about to conceive is truthful on this day (12/31/08) though, unfortunately, is prone to become exhaustively fictional within an unpredictable period of time. Also, please note that the relevancy of this paragraph is completely irrelevant to the title of this post, therefor rendering it completely irrelevant to the post itself. This in meaning states that this paragraph does not actually exist in an actual world, concluding that it is only a mere figment of your imagination that your mind has guided you to believe exists, which, truthfully, is a lie. Please progress cautiously throughout the remainder of this post while keeping an attentive mind as to what is precisely relevant to the post itself, and not a creation of your cognition.
Personal Website Stuffs
For a while, passably since the begging of all this, I have presented myself with many designs for a website that may be used to express myself and expose my extensive *cough* portfolio in a professional manner. Finally, I believe I have come to create something that will fully demonstrate my abilities. Soon, I wish to have the design converted to a HTML/CSS layout so that I can integrate some form of CMS for easy management. See the design Below
Game Development Stuffs
This year I managed to complete an approximate 1/32 things I wished to accomplish. Thus destroying all prior laziness records combined! NOWAITTHERESMOAR! I've made good progress on a game I hope to finnish up in the ACTUAL EXISTENT FUTURE! Which brings us to out next topic wise
Pixel Storm Stuffs
Pixel Storm is the next biggest breakthrough in Game Development Lacking Effortness! The gameplay consists of olsckool side-scrollin, space-shootin, air-combatin with some awsome pixel art to match. Also to, plausibly, include upgrades, deeply developed plot, bosses, etc. etc.
The due date is currently scheduled to be renounced next year on this day for some time in the following year after that.
Mini Game Arcade 2 Stuffs
In case you didn't hear, because statistics show you most likely did not, Chad released MGA2 a short while ago. It consists of several small games, duh, two of which are mine, Missile Mayhem and Bomb Barrage. Go play it here.
Other Stuffs
Chad is making a TD. You can follow the progress here.
You can check out our new Flak-Games DevBlog here.
And also make sure to check out Hero Interactive's contest sponsored by ArmorGames
"...because statistics show you most likely did not... "
That's hilarious.